“Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?”
The words of Ellen Ripley sum up the current state of things best.
An original movie heroine from the Alien series.
The TLD fully embraces technology innovation and agrees the possibilities are endless, and with each passing achievement, life is enhanced in limitless ways. All things in life, however, if not kept in balance, hold the potential to be abused, and negatively affect an individual, group, organization, civil liberties, and due process.
Do you remember the NSA government contractor, Edward Snowden, who revealed to the American public the powerful electronic surveillance technology the U.S. Intelligence agencies possess? Whether you consider Snowden a traitor or a hero, regardless, the capabilities he leaked spoke for themselves. The technology to spy on U.S. citizens has only continued to evolve and become multiple times more advanced and intrusive. Most citizens do not appreciate that all electronic communications are being captured and stored by the U.S. government.
If the FBI executes a warrant to surveil someone electronically, it doesn’t begin at the issuance. The surveillance warrant also allows the government to look at everything that has ever been electronically captured and collected on the target.
The TLD is willing to accept the awesome power they yield to prevent individuals from trying to destroy our way of life as Americans. However, that power cannot be abused and used to harm innocent people and groups that are deemed different, people and groups that oppose an idea, and people and groups for financial or political advantage.
Because of this, laws have been passed and amended to protect U.S. citizen’s civil rights and freedoms from targeted electronic surveillance without probable cause and court authorization. For example, a physical search warrant to enter someone’s home must first be presented to the court, and deemed justified, before anyone can enter and look around.
In today’s electronic social media environment, the most powerful court in the land is the court of public opinion. It is driven by the Instant Technology Gratification Behavioral Response Mechanism (TGBRM), to form opinions driven by emotions. But, unlike the legal court system that governs our lives, there are no rules, standards, or established known proceedings in this court. Accusations can be presented to the jury of our peers without probable cause, justification, or grand jury to review the evidence. It does not discriminate. And in some cases, it even carries the death penalty.
Children are subjected to this court with online bullying. Women are deposed in this court over expected image. Men are arraigned in this court over accepted masculinity. Success is subpoenaed in this court for equality. Genders are indicted in this court for acceptance. The list is endless, but the end goal is the same. Conviction or acquittal, this group member or that group member, because the public court system made a ruling. Many understand the power of the court of public opinion and use it. Many get put on trial as the victim. Millions become the jury and are influenced to form opinions.
The TLD contends that this evolution was destined to happen, due to the unique environment these two forces provided, regardless of political affiliation or policies in power. And, if the process is not fully understood and recognized, it could easily, and is highly probable to continue to happen, except each time even more perfected.
The TLD has gathered enough research and explanation on this site that after a thorough review, conclusions should be recognized for what they are, how they are used, and how they will continue to be abused until no longer accepted. The TLD does not provide all of the information to reach the bottom of the rabbit hole. However, there is enough content to reveal the matrix, or at a minimum, begin to question things that you openly accepted before.